Boutique Diagnostics

Digital Health Market Access Consulting Firm

Digital Health Solutions


Pricing diagnostics with 4 methods. Which is the most powerful? - Watch the short video

Pricing diagnostics with 4 methods. Which is the most powerful? - Watch the short video

Securing coverage for digital diagnostics | presentation for Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Securing coverage for digital diagnostics | presentation for Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Very recently Anastasios Gkiokas shared our view on “Securing coverage for digital diagnostic solutions”. Read the blog entry for the key highlights of his talk.

Download Insights – US Diagnostics Reimbursement Pathways

Download Insights – US Diagnostics Reimbursement Pathways

Check out CENTIVIS Insights and request the new report for FREE: US diagnostics reimbursement pathways

How does the UK's NICE evaluate diagnostic technologies? 1-pager summary

How does the UK's NICE evaluate diagnostic technologies? 1-pager summary

How does the UK's NICE evaluate diagnostic technologies? 1-pager summary